[LRUG] London RoR Conference, July '09 ?

James Adam james at lazyatom.com
Tue Jan 27 15:41:51 PST 2009

On 27 Jan 2009, at 23:13, Mark Coleman wrote:

> Ruby Manor somehow completely passed me by. I hadn't even heard of  
> it until Gregg Pollack told me about it last week. I have been  
> trying to find an e-mail address for someone involved in that, but  
> haven't got far.. is someone here linked to Ruby Manor?

Until very recently, the mailing list[1] was linked on the home  
page[1], but that's been replaced by the videos link. There are two  
other links to the list still on the page though...

There's also lots of background and info in first three pages of  
Google results. Searching for "london ruby conference" would quickly  
lead you to this[2] as another starting point  ;-)

In a nutshell, it was a community-instigated, community-driven, not- 
for-profit shindig that wasn't heavily promoted, but sold out anyway.  
You should get the gist of how it was put together via the google  
group archives, (as required by the 'manifesto' on the home page[3],  
everything was conducted in the open).

Hope that helps,


[1]: http://groups.google.com/group/ruby-manor
[2]: http://www.rubyinside.com/ruby-manor-experimental-ruby-conference-in-london-november-22-2008-1224.html
[3]: http://rubymanor.org

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