[LRUG] Abstract algebra slides

Matthew Willson matthew at playlouder.com
Thu Jul 9 09:15:05 PDT 2009

> Thanks for your comments, and for providing some extra (much-needed)  
> mathematical detail. I wish I'd been able to be less superficial,  
> although I see from the video that I overran my intended slot by ten  
> minutes, so perhaps the superficiality was for the best.

Yeah for sure, no worries. Lots of time for more of this in future if  
people are interested.

Eg could look at Monoids (which crop up quite a lot in programming)  
and various other algebraic beasts... the various kinds of order  
structures tend to crop up quite a bit in programming too, eg most of  
us deal with boolean algebras on a regular basis, but interesting to  
know about some of the things inbetween those and a partial order:

  (which looks suspiciously like a class inheritance diagram)

I'm probably guilty of looking for excuses to get some use out of my  
degree though :)


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