[LRUG] How to *not* add an authenticity token to a form

Taryn East teast at globalpersonals.co.uk
Thu Jul 23 04:29:13 PDT 2009

Ah sorry - you're right. I got "protect_against_forgery? mixed up with
"protect_from_forgery" (similar names are confusing).
great - curiosity sated ;)


2009/7/23 Chris Mear <chrismear at gmail.com>

> On 23 Jul 2009, at 11:54, Taryn East wrote:
>  2009/7/23 Murray Steele <murray.steele at gmail.com>
>>> 2009/7/23 Taryn East <teast at globalpersonals.co.uk>
>>>> class IDontCareAboutNoForgeryController < ApplicationController
>>>>    self.allow_forgery_protection = false
>>>> end
>>> I thought so too... but from looking into the source code "allow forgery
>>> protection" is just another way of calling the verify_authenticity_token
>>> filter (you can see it here:
>>> http://apidock.com/rails/ActionController/RequestForgeryProtection/ClassMethods/protect_from_forgery
>>> ) .
>>> It doesn't actually stop the token from being rendered into the form for
>>>  that action (I checked).
> I just tried this in a virgin Rails 2.3.3 app, and setting
> allow_forgery_protection to false did indeed stop the authenticity token
> being rendered (at least for a form_tag call). It's just a class variable,
> which is simply checked by
> ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection::ClassMethods.protect_against_forgery?,
> which is in turn called by
> ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper.extra_tags_for_form when it's rendering
> the form tag. So there might be something else sneaky going on your app.
> In the bigger scheme of things, what's wrong with just rendering some
> random token in the form, and then ignoring it when the form is submitted?
> Chris
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