[LRUG] Rough Cuts - early reviews

Matt House matt at theshadowaspect.com
Thu Jul 30 03:33:39 PDT 2009

I wouldn't mind that copy of the Merb way too Muz. What do we have to  
do to claim ownership? daggers? Pistols at dawn?


On 30 Jul 2009, at 09:42, Murray Steele wrote:

> Hi all,
> My contact at Addison-Wesley has suggested that if anyone is  
> interested in reviewing books as they're written, Addison-Wesley  
> would be willing to give a couple of folk access to the rough-cuts  
> editions of various ruby books in the Safari online book store.   
> Currently they're offering “Refactoring: Ruby”, http://safari.informit.com/9780321603968
> So, anyone interested?  Let me know and I'll pass your names / email  
> addresses on to AW and you should hear from them.  The usual caveats  
> apply; the book doesn't cost money, it costs the time you take to  
> read it and write a review.
> Cheers,
> Muz
> ps. Remeber, there's a copy of "The Merb Way", http://my.safaribooksonline.com/9780321601636 
>  (dead-tree edition), up for grabs at the August meeting.  So far  
> only Steve Ganly has expressed interest so he'll be getting it if no- 
> one else pipes up.
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