[LRUG] LRUG Nights Episode #15: Thief in the Night

James Adam james at lazyatom.com
Fri Mar 13 08:37:22 PDT 2009

The 1st or the 2nd works best for me, Mitch - the earlier ones clash  
with Scotland on Rails....

I've always got your back, buddy.


On 13 Mar 2009, at 12:00, Mitch Buchannon wrote:

> Dearest compatriots.
> Your buddy Mitch here, just got back from my tour of an Austrian  
> nunnery with mixed success.
> But soon as I'm back in the arms of London, I find out 3 of my  
> Yachts have been taken from the club, a tasty blonde (whom I'm  
> willing to share) has led me to believe the solicitor is the  
> proprietor of the Porterhouse in Covent Garden.
> http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=porterhouse+london+21-22+maiden+lane&sll=51.509437,-0.108876&sspn=0.017602,0.04549&ie=UTF8&ll=51.514098,-0.122845&spn=0.008493,0.022745&z=16&iwloc=A&iwd=1&cid=17634676175614443342
> I'm proposing a long probed attack, and I will arrange for a seating  
> area in which to conduct our stake out under the moniker of 'Randy  
> McManahue', or the initials RMM.
> To throw off the cat burglar, I'm proposing a few dates which I  
> trust you will conduct a poll on between the stakeholders.
> Wednesday 25th March
> Thursday 26th March
> Wednesday 1st April (that will fool her)
> Thurdays 2nd April
> Other dates are available according to most calendars, but I will  
> warn you friends, she will be aware of my presence, so choose with  
> haste so I can come up with a cunning disguise.
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