[LRUG] Looking for a mutual acquaintance

Eleanor McHugh eleanor at games-with-brains.com
Fri May 8 16:23:30 PDT 2009

On 8 May 2009, at 23:56, Tim Cowlishaw wrote:
> On 8 May 2009, at 20:36, Eleanor McHugh wrote:
>> Just wondering if anyone here knows anyone at WordTracker, only  
>> they've a job I'm very much interested in...
> Hmm. A recruiter called Rhys from a place called something like  
> 'Mex' was trying to set me up with an interview there a few months  
> ago... This probably isn't very helpful, but, as a recruiter, it's  
> probably only a matter of time before he approaches you :-)

I'm getting a bit hacked off with recruiters of late - especially the  
ones who say 'oh, I thought Ruby had only been around a couple of  
years', and the ones who won't believe me when I say that Windsor is  
not a practical commute from Edmonton when you're dependent on public  
transport *grrr*


Eleanor McHugh
Games With Brains
raise ArgumentError unless @reality.responds_to? :reason

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