[LRUG] Paths to open source contributions

Vahagn Hayrapetyan vahagnh at gmail.com
Fri May 8 06:49:51 PDT 2009

@Andy: I am familiar with the "only build stuff you'd use yourself
approach". To my mind, a very sustainable and quality-oriented one. Rails,
after all, was extracted in this way. Basecamp became a success this way. So
yeah, definitely an approach that has proved itself.


> So my question is are you a contributor just because you happen to release
> things, no matter how small and potentially useless.

My answer to that would be: NO. You're a contributor if people know and use
your stuff. Otherwise why not just keep it to yourself.

/ Vahagn

On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 12:35 PM, Andrew Stewart
<boss at airbladesoftware.com>wrote:

> Hello El Rug,
> On 7 May 2009, at 14:54, Vahagn Hayrapetyan wrote:
>> So if you have open source contributions, I hope you'll shed some light as
>> to why you have them:
>>        • You were solving a problem for yourself (a pet project perhaps),
>> and ended up with extra code that you released as open source;
>>        • You were working on someone else's problem (such as a client's),
>> and ended up with extra code that you released as open source;
>>        • You were bored and decided to make a contribution for the fun of
>> it;
>>        • You were being strategic. You realized that for the Kool Kids to
>> work with you and the Beautiful People to go to bed with you, you NEED to
>> have open source contributions before we arrive at web 3.12.
> For me it's the first two.  I think the last two lead to bad projects.
>  Here's an entertaining article germane to this:
> http://steve-yegge.blogspot.com/2008/08/business-requirements-are-bullshit.html
> In a nutshell Yegge says only build stuff you'll use yourself.
> I think there's a fifth motivation you could add to the list: you have some
> code which you are too lazy to improve yourself, so you open the source so
> other people can improve it for you.
> http://cleanair.highgroove.com/articles/2008/01/03/we-love-open-source
> Regards,
> Andy Stewart
> -------
> http://airbladesoftware.com
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