[LRUG] Googley Wavey Invitey

Thomas R. Koll tomk32 at gmx.de
Thu Nov 26 01:48:25 PST 2009

Murray Steele wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have 11 google wave invites and I don't have any actual friends to
> pass them onto.  If anyone here isn't already waved up the wazoo and
> want's to owe me a favour forever, reply to me directly (off-list) and
> I'll spend one of my precious wave-tokens on inviting you.

I have 22 invites remaining and would also welcome everyone
to this boring wave thing, but I didn't see 2012 yet, might be more boring...

ciao, tom

Thomas R. Koll - Ruby on Rails Webdeveloper
http://photostre.am | http://ananasblau.com | http://github.com/TomK32

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