[LRUG] Computer Science / Mathematics book group

Matthew Willson matthew at playlouder.com
Thu Nov 5 06:13:12 PST 2009

Yep, I guess it depends a bit if it's a more of a study group (where  
we'd need to nominate a particular chapter and try and do the  
exercises), or more of a "general discussion / help / bullshitting on  
some of the topics raised in this book".

I was assuming more the latter, which might make some books more  
suitable than others, although provided there's enough subgroups with  
overlap in terms of chapters of books that they've read, it could  
still work...

What do you think Tim?


On 5 Nov 2009, at 14:06, Murray Steele wrote:

> 2009/11/5 Chris Lowis <chris.lowis at gmail.com>:
>> I'm interested, but can't seem to get to the voting page. For the
>> record SICP for me, _slowly_ working through it and could use some
>> motivation!
> One thought, are we really expected to churn through SICP or GEB or
> some of those others in a single month? It might be possible form a
> pure read the words point of view, but not sure what the comprehension
> levels would be? (Well, I'm not sure what *my* comprehension levels
> would be).
> Muz
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