[LRUG] Computer Science / Mathematics book group

James Adam james at lazyatom.com
Thu Nov 5 06:17:19 PST 2009

One way to work it might be to list the books more than a month in  
advance. So, this coming month start with a short one, and pre-decide  
what the next one will be already, and so on rolling forwards. That  
will give people a heads up with more time to cogitate, and maybe they  
don't attend each discussion.

Does that make sense? My description might be terrible.

- James

On 5 Nov 2009, at 14:13, Matthew Willson wrote:

> Yep, I guess it depends a bit if it's a more of a study group (where  
> we'd need to nominate a particular chapter and try and do the  
> exercises), or more of a "general discussion / help / bullshitting  
> on some of the topics raised in this book".
> I was assuming more the latter, which might make some books more  
> suitable than others, although provided there's enough subgroups  
> with overlap in terms of chapters of books that they've read, it  
> could still work...
> What do you think Tim?
> -Matt
> On 5 Nov 2009, at 14:06, Murray Steele wrote:
>> 2009/11/5 Chris Lowis <chris.lowis at gmail.com>:
>>> I'm interested, but can't seem to get to the voting page. For the
>>> record SICP for me, _slowly_ working through it and could use some
>>> motivation!
>> One thought, are we really expected to churn through SICP or GEB or
>> some of those others in a single month? It might be possible form a
>> pure read the words point of view, but not sure what the  
>> comprehension
>> levels would be? (Well, I'm not sure what *my* comprehension levels
>> would be).
>> Muz
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