[LRUG] First LRUG game night: Thu 12 Nov: please RSVP

Julian Burgess aubergene at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 08:12:00 PST 2009

Is it still on? Where is it? Do you need me to bring my set? Thanks Julian

On Nov 1, 2009 3:46 PM, "Tom ten Thij" <mail at tomtenthij.nl> wrote:

We have a winner for the date of the first LRUG game night! We had 10
replies and two days with 9 people who could make it. Unfortunately
for Sam, Murray beat him to it by a nose length and so it will be on:

Thu 12 Nov.

In order not to run the risk of not finishing before pub closure, I
think I would like it to start at 18:00. If you have any objections
against this, please shout. If there are enough objections I could
probably bump it to 19:00.

Now I need to know how many people will be coming exactly. I don't
want to be a control freak or anything, but we need to make sure we
have enough tables and games to accommodate the number of players. The
pub I was considering has an upstairs room with three tables and
seating for 25. Just send me an email with a list of names of the
people you know will be coming for sure. If you are not sure, feel
free to mark yourself up as 'maybe'.

Here is a list of games that people said they could bring:
- Murray: Settlers of Catan with 6 players extension
- Tomtt: Settlers of Catan with Cities and Knights for 6 players extension
            I will also bring Zendo and Chrononauts, just 'cause
- Matthew Ruby Smith: Agricola (he has not filled in the doodle though)

If you can bring a version of Settlers or something else you'd like to
play, let me know and I'll work out what to do nearer the time (once I
have more RSVPs).

List of games mentioned:
- Agricola (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/31260)
- Chrononauts (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/815)
- Settlers of Catan (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/13)
- Zendo (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/6830)


 Tom ten Thij
 Unboxed Consulting, http://unboxedconsulting.com
 T: +44 20 3137 2943 F: +44 20 7183 4251
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