[LRUG] [OT] Re: Googley Wavey Invitey

Aleksandar Simic asimic at gmail.com
Thu Nov 26 09:47:13 PST 2009

Hey guys,

I got a wave invite and didn't really use/think of it much.

Just checked it now after all the talk on the list and I've got 15
invites to give away. So if anybody else wants it and doesn't already
have it, let me know.


2009/11/26 Riccardo Tacconi <rtacconi at gmail.com>:
> I would like to recieve an invitation... thanks
> On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 1:03 PM, Thomas R. Koll <tomk32 at gmx.de> wrote:
>> Vahagn, I just traveled back from the Future and you can relax, there is
>> no other
>> Vahagn on this list.
>> To everyone else, a word of warming from the Future, do not watch this
>> distrous movie
>> because otherwise Emmerich will shoot a genuine movie about a monster from
>> the sea.
>> cheers, tom
>> Vahagn Hayrapetyan wrote:
>>>    PS, I'm the only Jocke Selin. ;)
>>> If there's another Vahagn Hayrapetyan on this list, here are the
>>> possible consequences:
>>>   1. Ruby attracts the best people in the world
>>>   2. The best people in the world have the same names
>>>   3. We should start thinking about how to preserve ourselves from
>>>      natural disasters so that the world will not lose all the best
>>>      people at the same time. Ie, even if our names collide we must
>>>      avoid physical collision as much as possible. And here we get back
>>>      to the original topic of the thread, which was of course 2012.
>>> / Vahagn (hopefully the only one).
>> --
>> Thomas R. Koll - Ruby on Rails Webdeveloper
>> http://photostre.am | http://ananasblau.com | http://github.com/TomK32
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> Riccardo Tacconi
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