[LRUG] Ruby Cluetrain

Tim Cowlishaw tim at timcowlishaw.co.uk
Mon Oct 26 07:04:33 PDT 2009

Hmm - Mod::Child.cry or possibly ::Mod::Child.cry rather than just  
Child.cry - or am I missing something more subtle? Child isn't set in  
the global namespace or within the Behaviour module, which seems to be  
the reason for the error.



On 26 Oct 2009, at 13:58, Matthew Rudy Jacobs wrote:

> I rewrote it without all the crazy Module.new and Class.new stuff
> and it still doesnt make any sense
> http://gist.github.com/218649
> 2009/10/26 Anthony Green <Anthony.Green at bbc.co.uk>
> I hope James won't mind me posting this Gist he tweeted at the  
> weekend. But
> it exemplifies the kind of gaps I have in my Ruby knowledge.
> Whilst I understand what individual segments of code are doing I don't
> understand what the code as a whole is attempting to do.
> Anyone willing to shed some light ?
> http://gist.github.com/217001
> # I'm creating some classes and modules on the fly, but things aren't
> hooking up quite the way I'd hoped.
> # Can anyone explain why when an instance of Mod::Sibling tries to  
> call
> Child.cry, that it
> # doesn't call Mod::Child.cry, but instead looks for Behaviour::Child?
> class Base
>   def self.cry
>     "#{self.name}.cry called!"
>   end
> end
> module Behaviour
>   def blame
>     puts "I am #{self}, a #{self.class.name}, trying to call  
> Child.cry"
>     Child.cry
>   end
> end
> child = Class.new(Base)
> Mod = Module.new
> Mod.const_set(:Child, child)
> child.cry # => "Mod::Child.cry called!"
> Mod::Child.cry # => "Mod::Child.cry called!"
> child.name # => "Mod::Child"
> sibling = Class.new(Base)
> sibling.class_eval do
>   include Behaviour
> end
> Mod.const_set(:Sibling, sibling)
> sibling.name # => "Mod::Sibling"
> Mod.constants # => ["Child", "Sibling"]
> sibling = Mod::Sibling.new
> sibling.blame # =>
> # ~> -:10:in `blame': uninitialized constant Behaviour::Child  
> (NameError)
> # ~>  from -:32
> # >> I am #<Mod::Sibling:0x1973078>, a Mod::Sibling, trying to call
> Child.cry
> --
> Anthony Green
> Client Side Developer
> Future Media & Technology for BBC Audio & Music Interactive
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/
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