[LRUG] Ruby course marketing

Paul Wilson merecomplists01 at googlemail.com
Thu Oct 22 12:07:53 PDT 2009


I'm looking for a bit of help and advice marketing some Ruby courses  
Jim Weirich and Joe O'Brien are giving in Edinburgh in November: two  
day Ruby and a three day Rails course, 9-13 November.  Part of the  
problem is that  those most likely to want these courses are those  
that I can't reach and don't know who JIm Weirich is.  What I think I  
need to do is to try and reach other communities (Java, .Net, PHP,  
etc) and persaude some of them that learning some Ruby and/or Rails  
would be enriching in some way.

Does anyone here contacts in those other communities?  Or different  

Alternatively, if anyone would like, or knows someone who would like,  
Ruby and/or Rails training here is a discount to code to use


at http://edgecase.com/training

Paul Wilson

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