[LRUG] Ruby Cluetrain

James Adam james at lazyatom.com
Mon Oct 26 07:20:45 PDT 2009

On 26 Oct 2009, at 14:04, Tim Cowlishaw wrote:

> Hmm - Mod::Child.cry or possibly ::Mod::Child.cry rather than just  
> Child.cry - or am I missing something more subtle? Child isn't set  
> in the global namespace or within the Behaviour module, which seems  
> to be the reason for the error.

With reference to the actual FreeAgent example, the reason why I can't  
do "Mod::Child" is because I don't know the name of the module that  
"Child" (or "Contact") is going to rest in; it could be  
CompanyOne::Contact, or CompanyTwo::Contact, or BlahCorp::Contact. The  
way that we know it's "Mod::Child" in that example is an artefact of  
the simplification, unfortunately.

- James

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