[LRUG] Fwd: Call for Participation - SPA2010, London 16-19 May

Mike Hill mikewhill at gmail.com
Wed Sep 9 14:15:01 PDT 2009

Hi all,

Thanks to Matt & Ivan for the minesweeper dojo tonight. Apologies for
the spam, but I wanted to encourage the London Ruby community to
submit a session proposal to the SPA conference 2010 (deadline is 26th
October, but if you submit sooner, you'll get earlier feedback)...


BCS Software Practice Advancement specialist group

Call for Participation - SPA2010 - http://www.spaconference.org
16th - 19th May 2010 - British Computer Society, London, UK.

Submissions Deadline: Monday, 26th October 2009
To submit a proposal, visit http://www.spaconference.org

We would like to invite you to present a session at this leading software
development conference.

SPA2010 will continue the well established SPA tradition of learning through
interaction, with hands-on sessions exploring the latest advancements in
software development practice.

We're looking for session proposals that are interactive and leading edge,
possibly even experimental. They can be about technology or teams, practice
or process - in fact anything to do with improving software development.
They can be as main stream or niche as you like - we select proposals on
their merit not on their trendiness.

We welcome submissions from everyone - you don't have to be an expert or an
experienced presenter. You'll be supported by a well-established shepherding
process which provides assistance and support to all presenters.

Presenters will receive free attendance to the conference.

To find out more, and submit a proposal, visit http://www.spaconference.org.

The submission deadline is 26th October 2009.

Not sure whether to submit a proposal? Contact us at
programme at spaconference.org

-- Mike Hill & Willem Van den Ende, Programme Chairs SPA 2010.

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