[LRUG] mysqldump not working

Kenneth Lee kenfodder at gmail.com
Wed Feb 3 03:28:47 PST 2010

> I do not get any error with mysqldump, but I had two about a trigger 
> and two foreign keys with phpMyAdmin (even though I disabled the 
> referential integrity).
Sorry, I meant do you get errors in the restore command? E.g. in a shell 

$ mysql some_empty_database < production_dump.sql

Foreign keys shouldn't cause an issue. I don't use triggers in MySql, so 
I'm not sure of the issues surrounding that currently.
> I am root of any dev or production server, the sys admin is talking 
> about scheduling an update of Mysql in developemnt, It will takes day 
> so I get my data in some ways :-(
If you're at the whim of your sys-admin, maybe they can help your 
situation. Your data should be safe in a mysqldump albeit you can't 
restore it.

When I mean a dev machine, I mean on your local development machine try 
doing a test backup and see if you can restore it, it may just be 
something on the machine you are restoring to.


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