[LRUG] How do you monitor your web site?

Neil Middleton neil at theskunkworx.com
Mon Jun 7 05:00:15 PDT 2010

We like to use nagios and monit. Monit is great at checking the basics such
as delayed job is running, apache is serving etc. Nagios, however, is great
for the stuff that monit can't do such as check external connectivity and
response time.

In terms of checking content, either can do that, it just comes down to what
sort of control you want. Monit is very autonomous whereas nagios is a bit
more interactive.

On 7 Jun 2010 12:36, "Riccardo Tacconi" <rtacconi at gmail.com> wrote:


How do you monitor your web app? There are several solutions, but most of
them just monitor if the web server is not down or monitor the performance.
What about monitoring the content of the web site? The server could be ok
but your application may have an error ("Sorry something went wrong") or
could display content that should not be there. Do you use anything more
intelligent than a ping or server metrics?


Riccardo Tacconi
Web developer at Wolseley UK

Linux user: #400461

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