[LRUG] SRC Running and all that

Murray Steele murray.steele at gmail.com
Tue Mar 9 08:47:35 PST 2010

Hey all,

Is anyone else going to SRC and taking part in the 5k run on the Friday
night? (Details here: http://scotrubyconf5k.eventwax.com/scotrubyconf-5k)

If so, have you done any fund raising?  They suggest a donation of £10, but
I'm sure we could raise a bit more if we tap up the LRUG crew (even those
not attending SRC or taking part in the 5K).  I briefly thought about
setting up an "LRUG does the SRC 5k" just giving page for us to dump all our
fund-raising monies in, but then I found the SRC-5k just giving page so
maybe there's not much point (http://www.justgiving.com/scotrubyconf5k).
 Anyone got any thoughts?

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