Murray Steele murray.steele at gmail.com
Wed Mar 10 02:02:42 PST 2010

Hi all,

Looking at Craig Websters handy-dandy UK tech meetup calendar site:
http://london2.org/ I notice that LRUG currently clashes every month with
London Hackspace.  I know that there's some cross-over in attendees and I'd
hate for people to have to choose, so I'm wondering about moving dates
(again).  Probably starting with the May meeting to give people some notice.

I'm of the opinion that Mon, Tues or Weds are best and from Craig's list it
seems like the First Wednesday or Monday of the month could be available if
we don't want to clash with anything.  But maybe there's stuff missing from
Craig's list (get in touch with him to add it!) and we'll have to choose to
clash with something where there's little to no cross-over in attendance.

Any thoughts?

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