George Palmer george.palmer at gmail.com
Wed Mar 10 02:11:21 PST 2010

I'd also vote for Mondays, but I'm sure there are others who'd prefer
Wednesdays.  What about a doodle poll to get best consensus?

On 10 March 2010 10:07, Ed Davey <ed at veryreal.co.uk> wrote:

> I vote for a *Monday* slot as Weds are difficult for me and Tuesdays
> totally out!
> Ed
> On 10 Mar 2010, at 10:02, Murray Steele wrote:
>  Hi all,
>> Looking at Craig Websters handy-dandy UK tech meetup calendar site:
>> http://london2.org/ I notice that LRUG currently clashes every month with
>> London Hackspace.  I know that there's some cross-over in attendees and I'd
>> hate for people to have to choose, so I'm wondering about moving dates
>> (again).  Probably starting with the May meeting to give people some notice.
>> I'm of the opinion that Mon, Tues or Weds are best and from Craig's list
>> it seems like the First Wednesday or Monday of the month could be available
>> if we don't want to clash with anything.  But maybe there's stuff missing
>> from Craig's list (get in touch with him to add it!) and we'll have to
>> choose to clash with something where there's little to no cross-over in
>> attendance.
>> Any thoughts?
>> Muz
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George Palmer
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