[LRUG] Who wants to be an April-meeting-aire?
Murray Steele
murray.steele at gmail.com
Tue Mar 16 04:03:45 PDT 2010
On 15 March 2010 15:31, Chris Lowis <chris.lowis at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 15 March 2010 11:19, Anthony Green <Anthony.Green at bbc.co.uk> wrote:
> > According to reports [us] Linked data is one of the next big things for
> the
> > web: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8555987.stm and the Python
> and
> > PHP communities have already stolen a march on us with several toolsets
> > written in both languages.
> Arto Bendiken and Ben Lavender's RDF.rb library[1] looks promising -
> I've been meaning to have a good look at it, so could perhaps give a
> short talk on that as part of a RDF-themed LRUG. April might be a bit
> short notice to prepare though.
I like this idea (mmmmmm, themes, mmmm....), but my one worry is that when
we had a Linked Data talk last year (see
http://lrug.org/meetings/2009/05/19/june-2009-meeting/ and video
http://skillsmatter.com/podcast/ajax-ria/rdf-in-rails) my feeling from pub
chatter was that people just weren't sure *why* or *where* they should do
Linked Data. I'm not against returning to topics (and it was a year ago),
but I think we'd need something more structured than a gentle intro which is
what we got last time (no disservice meant to Patrick, it's a good intro - I
just want more now).
Anyway I can see use in one talk going over the various libraries that are
available for generating LinkedData, rather than several talks each about a
different library as unless the speakers collaborate I imagine there'd be
lots of duplication. But what I'd really like to see/hear about is a good
case study of using Linked Data, either as a consumer or a producer. I
imagine most Linked Data sites might do a bit of both. That's what I'm
lacking in my understanding.
Finally, I hear people talking about Open Data a lot, is this the same as
Linked Data, something else entirely?
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