[LRUG] Details for your cuketober meeting

Joseph Wilk joe at josephwilk.net
Fri Oct 8 15:37:18 PDT 2010


The plan for Mondays workshop is to follow a similar format to a
pattern writing workshop (the format may vary based on numbers) but
squished since these tend to take a day and we are cramming it into 1
hour ish.

-------What the heck is a pattern?
You know that gang of four patterns book
(http://www.c2.com/cgi/wiki?DesignPatternsBook) you are using for a
doorstop? That's what patterns are. Here is an example:

-------What do we get out of this?:
1. Everyone learns a bit about pattern writing
2. We defined some themes created through brainstorming ideas for
Cucumber patterns. (And people learn about Cucumber and peoples
3. We pick some themes and have a go at writing the start of some patterns
4. We review these patterns.

We may not get through it all but we will have a good stab. I will be
hosting other similar sessions at later dates.

-------So urm why?
Patterns can be helpful to disseminate ideas to the Cucumber and
Acceptance test communities.

-------But I'm not a Cucumber expert.
That's fine, you know the domain you are working in, listen to other
peoples experiences and add your thoughts.

-------Cucumber is the source of all evil and should just Die!
A perfectively valid perspective. But in writing patterns we don't
just want problems, that's the easy bit, we want solutions to those
problems. That might be outside the scope of Cucumber but hey that's
cool we can handle it.

-------What can I do before the workshop to help/prepare?
* Share ideas you have for solutions/patterns for Cucumber.
* Do a little reading about how to write patterns
* If you are feeling brave you could have a stab yourself and bring
your pattern to the workshop.

-------You have to be nice to Joseph Wilk
Its his 30th birthday on Monday and his spending it with you helping
run this workshop. Be nice!

Joseph Wilk
+44 (0)7812 816431

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