[LRUG] Request for assistance with Rails performance oddity
Levent Ali
lebreeze at gmail.com
Fri Oct 29 23:17:02 PDT 2010
Could activerecord be trying to load existing records into memory?
On 29 Oct 2010, at 21:24, John Winters <john at sinodun.org.uk> wrote:
> On 29/10/10 20:32, Michael Pavling wrote:
>> On 29 October 2010 20:09, John Winters <john at sinodun.org.uk> wrote:
>>> When I first run the script with empty database tables it runs at a
>>> perfectly satisfactory rate. Loading a total of 105171 records takes
>>> 1662s, or a rate of 63.3 records/second. Further, it doesn't slow down
>>> as it loads - the rate of loading is the same when there are 100,000
>>> records loaded as it was at the beginning.
>>> If however I let the script stop and then start it again to load a
>>> second batch it runs far more slowly. A small further batch of 1384
>>> records takes 584s, or about 2.4 records/second.
>> What happens if you load the second batch first? Do they load at the
>> same, slow speed if the DB starts off empty?
> No. If you load the second batch first then it is fast. I have yet to
> try to see what happens if you load 50,000 records in one run followed
> by another batch. I could understand it if it got gradually slower as
> the records were loaded, but it doesn't. There is no perceptible
> slowdown over the course of 100,000 records, as long as the script runs
> continuously. What seems to cause a massive slow down is if lots of
> records already exist when the script is started.
>> Any chance you can post or link to some (sanitized/anonymised) code
>> and a source examples?
> Here are a couple of what I think are the relevant chunks. What it's
> doing is to load a school's timetable into a calendar. The same weekly
> pattern of lessons is loaded for a range of dates. An "Event" is
> basically a lesson, and each one involves up to 3 resources - a teacher,
> a group of pupils and a room. All the resources are already loaded into
> the system and do not change during the load. All that happens is Event
> records are created, and then Commitment records are added to link each
> Event to its resources.
> My first run loads the autumn term, repeating the same weekly pattern of
> lessons over about 14 weeks. The second run then tries to load one more
> day, but it happens at a glacial speed. Exactly the same weekly data
> are being used in the second run as in the first. I've also tried
> loading the spring term (in case there was something funny about loading
> just one day) but it was equally slow.
> It seems I can load as many weeks as I like at full speed, as long as
> they are done in a single run of the script. If I load some in one run
> and then try to load some more, it's ridiculously slow, and yet the only
> thing which has changed is that the Event and Commitment tables are no
> longer empty.
> All these Events belong to the same Eventcategory. Other
> Eventcategories will be used for things other than timetabled lessons.
> app/model/event.rb
> # == Schema Information
> # Schema version: 20100930151421
> #
> # Table name: events
> #
> # id :integer(4) not null, primary key
> # body :text
> # eventcategory_id :integer(4)
> # on :date
> # starts :time
> # ends :time
> # created_at :datetime
> # updated_at :datetime
> # autoloaded :boolean(1)
> #
> class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
> belongs_to :eventcategory
> has_many :commitments, :dependent => :destroy
> validates_presence_of :eventcategory, :body
> validates_associated :eventcategory, :message => "Event category does
> not exist"
> def durationtext
> "#{self.starts.strftime("%H:%M")} - #{self.ends.strftime("%H:%M")}"
> end
> end
> app/model/commitment.rb
> # == Schema Information
> # Schema version: 20100930151421
> #
> # Table name: commitments
> #
> # id :integer(4) not null, primary key
> # event_id :integer(4)
> # resource_id :integer(4)
> # covering_id :integer(4)
> # tentative :boolean(1)
> # voluntary :boolean(1)
> # created_at :datetime
> # updated_at :datetime
> #
> class Commitment < ActiveRecord::Base
> belongs_to :event
> belongs_to :resource
> validates_presence_of :event, :resource
> validates_associated :event, :message => "Event does not exist"
> validates_associated :resource, :message => "Resource does not exist"
> # Note naming here. If this commitment is covering another commitment
> # then we point at it. Code can read:
> #
> # if commitment.covering
> #
> # If this commitment is being covered then the coverer should point at
> # us. Code can read:
> #
> # if commitment.covered
> #
> belongs_to :covering, :class_name => 'Commitment'
> # If this commitment is being covered and this commitment gets deleted
> # then the covering commitment should be deleted too.
> has_one :covered,
> :class_name => 'Commitment',
> :foreign_key => :covering_id,
> :dependent => :destroy
> end
> and then the loop which does all the work. The timetable (a week's
> worth of lessons) has already been loaded into memory and then we are
> iterating through a period of time (typically one term) creating dated
> event records for each lesson. In the in-memory form, a week is an
> array of days, a day is an array of periods, and a period is an array of
> events (because more than one lesson happens in any given period).
> eventcount = 0
> commitmentcount = 0
> @@interval.starts_at.upto(@@interval.ends_at) do |tdate|
> puts "Processing #{tdate}"
> # Ruby days are indexed from 1 = Monday. Unfortunately, the
> # timetables which I'm loading start from Monday so for them,
> # 0 = Monday. I therefore have to adjust a bit.
> wday = tdate.cwday - 1
> ipday = schooltt.week[wday]
> # Note that ipday is an array of periods but it's potentially
> # possible for there to be gaps - nil periods. This would
> # happen if no-one has anything scheduled in that period.
> ipday.each do |ipperiod|
> if ipperiod
> # puts "Starting period #{ipperiod.periodindex + 1}"
> periodeventcount = 0
> starttime = periodstarttime(wday, ipperiod.periodindex)
> ipperiod.each do |ipevent|
> # If this is the 2nd half of a double then don't load it.
> if !ipevent.previous_event
> if ipevent.following_event
> increment = 1
> else
> increment = 0
> end
> endtime = periodendtime(wday,
> ipperiod.periodindex + increment)
> # Make sure we can find the relevant resources first.
> if ipevent.teacher
> # puts "Finding teacher"
> dbteacher =
> Teacher.find_by_initials(ipevent.teacher.initials)
> end
> if ipevent.group
> # puts "Finding group"
> dbmgroup = Mtgroup.find_by_year_id_and_name(@@year.id,
> ipevent.group.name)
> if !dbmgroup
> if ipevent.group.instance_of?(Consolidate::TutorGroup)
> dbmgroup =
> Tutorgroup.find_by_name(ipevent.group.tutor.initials)
> end
> end
> end
> if ipevent.room
> # puts "Finding room"
> dbroom = Location.find_by_name(ipevent.room.name)
> end
> if (dbteacher || !ipevent.teacher) &&
> (dbmgroup || !ipevent.group) &&
> (dbroom || !ipevent.room)
> # Need to create this event in the database.
> # puts "Creating event"
> dbevent = Event.new
> dbevent.body = "Hello there"
> dbevent.on = tdate
> dbevent.starts = starttime
> dbevent.ends = endtime
> dbevent.autoloaded = true
> dbevent.eventcategory = @@eventcategory
> dbevent.save!
> eventcount += 1
> periodeventcount += 1
> # And now add all the resources which this event uses.
> if dbteacher
> # puts "Linking teacher"
> dbcommitment = Commitment.new
> dbcommitment.event = dbevent
> dbcommitment.resource = dbteacher.resource
> dbcommitment.tentative = false
> dbcommitment.voluntary = false
> dbcommitment.save!
> commitmentcount += 1
> end
> if dbmgroup
> # puts "Linking group"
> dbcommitment = Commitment.new
> dbcommitment.event = dbevent
> dbcommitment.resource = dbmgroup.resource
> dbcommitment.tentative = false
> dbcommitment.voluntary = false
> dbcommitment.save!
> commitmentcount += 1
> end
> if dbroom
> # puts "Linking room"
> dbcommitment = Commitment.new
> dbcommitment.event = dbevent
> dbcommitment.resource = dbroom.resource
> dbcommitment.tentative = false
> dbcommitment.voluntary = false
> dbcommitment.save!
> commitmentcount += 1
> end
> # puts "Finished event"
> else
> puts "Couldn't find database resources for event."
> puts "Teacher: #{ipevent.teacher ?
> ipevent.teacher.initials :
> "none" }"
> puts "Group: #{ipevent.group ? ipevent.group.name :
> "none" }"
> puts "Room: #{ipevent.room ? ipevent.room.name :
> "none" }"
> end
> end
> end
> puts "Period #{ipperiod.periodindex + 1} has
> #{periodeventcount} events."
> end
> end
> end
> puts "#{eventcount} events and #{commitmentcount} commitments
> added to the database."
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