[LRUG] What's your favourite Ruby conference?

David Waller david.a.waller at btinternet.com
Fri Sep 24 13:33:51 PDT 2010

Hello all,

I've been working with Ruby/Rails part time for a year or two, and still have 
lots to learn.  So I'm thinking that going to a conference (or two?) might be a 
fun way of increasing my Ruby knowledge and exposure to the cutting edge.  And 
maybe I can persuade my employer that it will be good for my education, and so 
they'd like to contribute to my expenses or let me go on company time...

So which conference(s) would you recommend?  Which do you think will most entice 
my employer to feel generous?  

RubyAndRails Conf 2010 (Amsterdam, 21-22 Oct) looks very interesting, but going 
to Amsterdam makes it more expensive and less convenient.  

The Scottish Ruby Conference (Edinburgh, 7-9 Apr 2011) is closer (well, more 
convenient at least), but there is little information yet on their website.  

Thoughts?  Other suggestions?  

Which will give my more ideas for spreading the Ruby magic around my employer?  

Thanks for your advice,


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