[LRUG] Talk proposal: Managing Networking Appliances with Ruby and Sinatra

Guido De Rosa guido.derosa at vemarsas.it
Tue Apr 26 02:05:03 PDT 2011


I'm from Italy and recently met a member of your community,
Dj Walker-Morgan, in Hanover, Germany :-)

My company was at CeBIT as an exhibitor within the "Open Source Park".
We were showing our networking security devices, whose web-based
administration interface has been written in Ruby and developed on top
of Sinatra.

Dj told me about the London Ruby User Group and your monthly meetings,
so I thought it would be nice to come to London, get in touch with all
of you, and
even give a short presentation of my work -- if you are interested on a
concrete application rather than a general programming / deployment or
testing technique, as more usual in such events.

Here is Dj's article on the H-online:


And more details may be found at:


Have a nice day,

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