[LRUG] puppet or chef [was: availability of talks]

Viktor Trón viktor.tron at gmail.com
Mon Aug 22 04:31:37 PDT 2011

On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 11:11 AM, Henry Garner <henry.garner at mac.com> wrote:

> On 18 Aug 2011, at 23:50, Viktor Tron wrote:
> > After I found this impressive piece of work
> https://github.com/fnichol/chef-rvm
> > I am considering switching to Chef.
> I've recently explored a similar set up (Ubuntu 10.04, RVM, Chef).
> Fletcher's project is impressive, but still quite new. The API was still
> changing as little as a fortnight ago.
> In the end
> http://help.opscode.com/kb/troubleshooting/may-i-use-rvm-to-install-ruby-andor-rubygems-that-the-chef-client-runs-underconvinced me to write my own bootstrap script to install ruby and rubygems
> from source before any of the chef magic happens.
> thanks Henry, does this not defeat the whole purpose kindof?

> > - do you use your provision agent for deployment? which allows for better
> management of rake tasks, cron, db privileges, etc
> I'm still using capistrano for deployment, but my deploy script just
> executes chef-client on the remote server and leaves chef to synchronise
> everything.


> The chef deploy resource has a few different callbacks which allow you to
> symlink your shared directories, install your bundle, call whenever to
> update your crontab, etc.

> > - if you use public recipes/modules, how do you manage their updates?
> I haven't needed to do this yet, but since your chef-repo is under version
> control all the normal rules apply.
> > - any pointers to good resources for your typical rails stack using
> puppet/chef would be fab
> Opscode hosts an 'application' cookbook which aims to be a bit of a swiss
> army knife for deploying all manner of apps. I found it to be the single
> most helpful resource for figuring out how to deploy my app and dependencies
> (I ended up hacking it about to write my own application-specific cookbook
> as a learning exercise).
> https://github.com/opscode/cookbooks/tree/master/application
so you wrote your own? is this what you meant by chef deploy resource?

> I'm sure Stephen and John would appreciate me pointing out that their books
> on Chef and Puppet are recently released & imminent respectively. Mine is in
> the post :-)
wow, thanks for that

> Henry
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