[LRUG] The best job you've never had...

Kevin Monk kevin at mangoswiss.com
Thu Dec 15 03:11:06 PST 2011

Feature: RoR Lead Developer - Jan and Feb Project in Crystal Palace

  In order to fulfil a huge new order
  As a small one man and one woman band RoR development company based in Crystal Palace, London, UK.
  I want an experienced RoR developer to come lead the development so that I can develop the rest of the business
  Scenario: Gay frivolity and relative happiness
    Given loads of money
    And a nice office
    And a 27" iMac
    When I walk through the door
    And start the day with a fresh coffee
    Then I will be met with smiley faces
    And good cheer
describe Money, "during January and February" do
  it "should be a good freelance day rate" do
    @account.balance.should eql(Money.new(:loadsa, :pounds_per_day))

describe FutureProspects, "from March onwards" do
  it "should be a possibility of permanent employment" do
    @salary.should eql(:negotiated_salary)

describe Project do
  it "should be a greenfield(ish) project"
  it "should be working with some friendly clients"
  it "should be half finished at the moment"
  it "should require some more experience to help iron out the kinks"
  it "should be fun to complete"
  it "should be bendable to your ideas and influences"

describe Me do
  it "should be better at RoR"
  it "should be spending more time developing business than coding"

describe Barbara, "the other coder" do
  it "should be a pleasure to work with"
  it "should have about a years Ruby coding experience"
  it "should have many years experience as a Java coder"
  it "should be my sister-in-law"
  it "should be emigrating to Chenai with my brother but working remotely in January"

describe Phil, "Industry domain expert" do
  it "should also be a pleasure to work with"
  it "should be a seconded staff member from the partnering client"

describe Other, "hangers on" do
  it "should include freelance graphic designers"
  it "should include wandering troubadours and other friendlies in the community"

describe Company do
  it "should be a Joint Venture between us and a contented client who has seen promise in product"

describe You do
  it "should have Rails commercial experience"
  it "should/maybe have backbone.js experience"
  it "should be good at this stuff"
  it "should have all that TDD, JQuery, SASS, Yadda, Yadda, Yadda experience."
  it "should be a friendly girl/boy"
  it "should be available Jan/Feb to work on this"

describe Contact, "me if you're interested"
  it "should be emailed at this address"
  it "should be mobiled at 07736 066408"
  it "should be office phoned at 020 8670 5461"

Very silly, I know.

If you FAIL the tests then please pass on to friends, relatives, jobless tramps etc or tell me where I should stick it.

Merry Christmas,


Kevin Monk
Technical Director

Mango Swiss Ltd
Westow Hill Studios
45 Westow Hill
Upper Norwood
London SE19 1TS

E: kevin at mangoswiss.com
T: 020 8670 5461
M: 07736 066408

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