[LRUG] Authentication by cookie

Andrew Stewart boss at airbladesoftware.com
Mon Feb 7 04:30:00 PST 2011

Hola El Rug,

I am wondering what I should store in a tamper-proof cookie to remember a user across browser sessions.  All I want to store is the user's id, much like this (Rails 3):

    cookies.signed[:remember_me] = user.id

However every example I have seen stores the user's id and their salt/password-hash.  I don't see, though, why we need the salt: the cookie is tamper-proof and the user's id isn't a secret.

According to this blog post it's so the cookie is invalidated when the user changes their password.


Again, though, I don't see why we would want to invalidate the cookie in this situation.

Usually when I find myself saying, "Everybody else is wrong, it's just me that's right," I carry on happily.  However because this is authentication code I thought I should consult El Rug ;)

Thanks in advance,

Andy Stewart

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