[LRUG] Final lineup & registration details for February

Makoto Inoue inouemak at googlemail.com
Tue Feb 8 00:54:17 PST 2011


I really enjoyed last night talks. They were all interesting and fun!

I have some questions to Neil Middleton for the talk  "Riding Rails through
a TV induced storm".
I am paticulary interested in  how you handled scaling problem using Heroku
and NewRelic.
Here are my questions.

1. What's the max request per second when you were stormed with access and
how many dynos did you crank up at most(You showed us some graphs of
thousands of access after the ads, was it rpm result from NewRelic or stats
from google analytics )? I think Heroku has limit of 25 dynos per app. Is it
sufficient to handle huge traffic?

2. When do you know you should crank up/down dynos. I don't think Heroku
offer autoscaling like Google App Engine does. Did you keep monitoring
NewRelic, or did you have some sort of monitoring system to alert you when
certain metrics reaches some threshold?

3. What kind of controller actions, active record queries did you find as a
bottleneck and how did you solve (or cranking up dynos enough to ignore
these bottlenecks)?



On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 11:56 AM, Murray Steele <murray.steele at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hey all,
> Register your attendance here:
> http://skillsmatter.com/event/ajax-ria/lrug-lightning-talks/rl-311
> Read the lineup here:
> http://lrug.org/meetings/2011/01/16/february-2011-meeting/
> Be all social-media-y here: http://lanyrd.com/2011/lrug-feb-2011/
> The line up is:
>    - James Adam: an exploration of why nobody needs to write any more test
>    frameworks
>    - Ed Davey: ruby search systems (Sunspot, acts_as_ferret, ultraspinx,
>    thinking_sphinx, acts_as_solr, acts_as_xapian, xapit, raw mysql)
>    - Ben Griffiths: BASIC interpreter <https://github.com/techbelly/BASIC>
>    - Gerhard Lazu: How do we suck in 480 books per second from Amazon's
>    API using Ruby via Redis into MongoDB
>    - Chris Lowis: W3C Audio XG Group (audio + javascript)
>    - Neil Middleton: Riding Rails through a TV induced storm
>    - Jim Myhrberg: Redistat <https://github.com/jimeh/redistat>
>    - Tom Stuart: ARel / Relational Algebra
>    - Tom ten Thij: xpath + xpath use patterns in capybara
> Which is slightly different to the results I posted last, but don't worry
> about it.
> Muz
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