[LRUG] Final lineup & registration details for February

Murray Steele murray.steele at gmail.com
Wed Jan 19 03:56:05 PST 2011

Hey all,

Register your attendance here:

Read the lineup here:

Be all social-media-y here: http://lanyrd.com/2011/lrug-feb-2011/

The line up is:

   - James Adam: an exploration of why nobody needs to write any more test
   - Ed Davey: ruby search systems (Sunspot, acts_as_ferret, ultraspinx,
   thinking_sphinx, acts_as_solr, acts_as_xapian, xapit, raw mysql)
   - Ben Griffiths: BASIC interpreter <https://github.com/techbelly/BASIC>
   - Gerhard Lazu: How do we suck in 480 books per second from Amazon's API
   using Ruby via Redis into MongoDB
   - Chris Lowis: W3C Audio XG Group (audio + javascript)
   - Neil Middleton: Riding Rails through a TV induced storm
   - Jim Myhrberg: Redistat <https://github.com/jimeh/redistat>
   - Tom Stuart: ARel / Relational Algebra
   - Tom ten Thij: xpath + xpath use patterns in capybara

Which is slightly different to the results I posted last, but don't worry
about it.

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