[LRUG] Weather forecast for the February meeting: Lightning

Roland Swingler roland.swingler at gmail.com
Tue Jan 11 07:33:58 PST 2011

I know nothing about Arduino! (What have I let myself in for....)

In the spirit of the offer I'd be happy to do that, even if the talk is
twenty slides of how I damaged myself with a soldering iron... or an easier
option if it comes up :)


On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 3:18 PM, Murray Steele <murray.steele at gmail.com>wrote:

> On 11 January 2011 14:58, James Coglan <jcoglan at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 11 January 2011 13:58, Chris Lowis <chris.lowis at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> i) The work I've been involved in with the W3C Audio XG group - how to
>>> build synthersisers and drum machines and so on with javascript in the
>>> new generation of browsers.
>>> ii) Talking to an Arduino with Ruby. Some libraries and things I'm
>>> playing with.
>>> iii)  Podcasting - the LRUG podcast and what I've learnt. Bit of a
>>> promotion piece, really.
>> All of that sounds fantastic. Maybe pick one and give another to Roland?
> Make roland do the podcast one.  Don't give him any help.
> Actually, I think he knows something about Arduino, Roland?
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