[LRUG] Rates for ruby in London

Elise Huard lrug at elisehuard.be
Fri Mar 4 07:59:24 PST 2011

Thanks all for the answers !
Looking forward to attend the LRUG meetings, the topics always seem to
be very interesting.  I'll try and make the one in april.

Zoulfia, I'm from Belgium, living in Brussels at the moment.

Best Regards,


On 4 March 2011 16:54, Zoulfia Hall <zoulfiahall at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi Elise,
> I feel very awkward for not being able to answer to your questions.
> I am a housewife. I started to learn RoR two years ago.
> It is my hobby.
> Where are you from?
> Zoulfia
> 2011/3/4 Elise Huard <lrug at elisehuard.be>
>> Hi London rubyists,
>> I may move to London in the near future, and I'm starting to look around.
>> I'm fairly clueless when it comes to rates and salaries in London.
>> I'm a fairly senior profile with 10+ years of experience in total,
>> team lead experience, "scalable" web sites experience and 4 years of
>> full-time Ruby work.
>> What's the norm for daily rates for a freelancer ?  What's the norm
>> for salaries, if there is such a thing ?
>> Thank you,
>> Elise
>> (forgive me if this is a bit blunt, not entirely sure where cultural
>> sensitivities lie in this context)
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