[LRUG] Gems that do command line tools like they're Rack apps

James Cumming james.cumming at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Nov 1 02:03:30 PDT 2011

The passenger gem starts up passenger on a stand alone basis as a daemon with a line command like

$ passenger start -a -p 3030 -d -e production
where the "-d" indicates daemon mode. 

James Cumming, CFA

From: gareth rushgrove <gareth.rushgrove at gmail.com>
To: London Ruby Users Group <chat at lists.lrug.org>
Sent: Monday, 31 October 2011, 22:09
Subject: [LRUG] Gems that do command line tools like they're Rack apps

I'm on the lookout for gems which provide command line tools which
start a daemonized Rack application.

I have a few gems in the works that operate like that and I'm sure
their are better patterns for lots of the command line options and
config file parsing malarkey I'm doing at present.

Any pointers much appreciated.


Gareth Rushgrove
Web Geek

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