[LRUG] Can't hide instance method if defined in native extension?
Peter Vrabel
kybu at kybu.org
Sun Nov 13 14:25:17 PST 2011
Hi guys,
I recently came across a strange behavior. I would like to measure time
spent executing Mysql statement, so I tried to hide 'execute' instance
method of Mysql::Stmt and my first idea was to use my custom module that I
include into Mysql::Stmt class. But then I found that I can't do that,
original 'execute' method is always called. Here is a small edited snippet:
require 'mysql'
module MyStmt
def new_method ; puts "new_method" end
def execute(*args) ; puts "mine!" end
class Mysql::Stmt
include MyStmt
db = Mysql.new('host', 'user', 'passwd', 'db')
stmt = db.prepare("select * from information_schema.tables")
p stmt.method(:execute)
p stmt.method(:new_method)
It gives this output:
#<Method: Mysql::Stmt#execute>
#<Method: Mysql::Stmt(MyStmt)#new_method>
If that is the case, it seems to me like a quite serious inconsistency of
how 'include' works. As a BFU I don't really care if a particular gem is
native or not, I would expect that 'include' works in the same way in any
case. Anybody could shed some light on this? Do I miss something?
alias_method works as expected.
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