[LRUG] Battleships last night

Despo Pentara despo.pentara at googlemail.com
Tue Oct 11 23:05:05 PDT 2011

Ignore the previous email. I just realised why my player is broken :-)

Sent from my iPhone

On 12 Oct 2011, at 07:01, Despo Pentara <despo.pentara at googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> I know my player is broken but did you not play the game on a 10x10 board?  How could I have exceeded the number of possible moves? :) 
> - Despo
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 12 Oct 2011, at 00:07, Paul Battley <pbattley at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've added all the contestants from Monday night to my repository (in
>> the contestants directory) and added my fitness script in bin/.
>> I ran the fitness script (which finds how long it takes each player to
>> sink all the ships on a pre-generated set of 100 random layouts)
>> against each player, and the results are here: http://bit.ly/q5IlaE
>> Some of the players crashed, and one took so long that I had to kill
>> it. I haven't looked into why they crashed.
>> There's not much (except efficiency!) to separate the top three
>> players, and I suspect that any one of them could have won if the draw
>> had turned out differently.
>> Paul.
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