[LRUG] Gems that do command line tools like they're Rack apps

Adam Carlile adam at benchmedia.co.uk
Mon Oct 31 15:14:40 PDT 2011

Mailcatcher might be worth looking at,

It fires up a daemonized SMTP and HTTP server through a CLI


It's also great for testing email heavy web apps!


Bench Media
Adam Carlile
Web Professional

Twitter @frozenproduce

On 31/10/2011 22:09, "gareth rushgrove" <gareth.rushgrove at gmail.com> wrote:

>I'm on the lookout for gems which provide command line tools which
>start a daemonized Rack application.
>I have a few gems in the works that operate like that and I'm sure
>their are better patterns for lots of the command line options and
>config file parsing malarkey I'm doing at present.
>Any pointers much appreciated.
>Gareth Rushgrove
>Web Geek
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