[LRUG] Looking to meet...

Ben Griffiths bengriffiths at gmail.com
Tue Sep 13 13:07:34 PDT 2011

Fuck. Looks like I've stumbled into one of the regular
anti-recruitment agent spats on the mailing list just as I'm about
to...  Oh well, hear me out.

I'm not a recruitment agent, nor do I have an 'exciting' opportunity for you.

Instead, I'm starting another start-up - the last one was Reevoo,
which some of you might know, some of you worked at, and some of you
still do. This new one is something to do with weather.

So, um, experienced CTO (er, that's me) looking for interested
programmer folk (um, that's you) to come on an adventure that will
involve iPhones, weather, ruby, and lots of drudgery in between
short-lived heart-stoppingly exciting bits. All on a lower-than-market
salary with no perks. Brilliant, eh?

Worse, I can't offer full-time jobs at present - we're seeking funding
right now - but if you're interested in being part of this, now's the
time to introduce yourselves to me. There may be some opportunity for
contract work too - things will move quickly and in the next month or

My current preference is for sharp, junior devs who are looking for a
start-up adventure - but all welcome.

If I've piqued your interest, but you're wondering who the hell I am,
by all means ask some of the people who've worked with me before -
either at Reevoo or at the-project-formerly-known-as-alphagov.

Terribly vague I know. But you're oddly interested, right? Drop me an
email and we'll talk.


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