[LRUG] Looking to meet...

Paul Robinson paul at 32moves.com
Wed Sep 14 06:16:29 PDT 2011

On 14 Sep 2011, at 13:01, Michael Pavling wrote:

> Is this for real? Or a spoof? I can't tell?!
> Honestly.
> Is this *really* a pitch for "make me money for nothing in return"?
> :-/

It appears to be real. :-( 

Startups can be an interesting adventure (I've worked exclusively in them for quite a while now), that some are prepared to make remuneration sacrifices for, but only if equity is on offer or they're not good enough to get a well-paid job.

Thankfully slave-style jobs with poor pay and conditions like this and with no equity or other perks are getting drowned out by more responsible companies. Alas in the UK there are many owners who are not prepared to share equity with early-stage employees and expect to just say "look! It's a startup! It's an adventure! Isn't this better than working for MegaCorp Inc.?! Oh cheer up! We don't even have a HR department or trade union relationships so there's no easy way to complain about the 80 hour weeks and no easy way to escape! HAHAHAHAHA!". 

It could be worse though:


As I said on twitter (@p7r if you are so inclined), this is just modern day slavery: you live somewhere "for free" as long as you work, but with no decent pay.

At least Ben is being honest and didn't sink to the level of asking for rockstars or ninjas...

... but I'd say to anybody looking for work in a startup either demand full market rate, or if you want equity take enough to cash out at a minimum of 4-5 years salary at exit with an exit planned within 3-4 years (based on conservative numbers: speak to experts and do research, don't just trust the founder's numbers, you're effectively investing in it, so be responsible with your decisions) and take a salary of *at least* 60% of market rate. Anything less and you're being robbed.
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