[LRUG] Relaunched www.testifor.com with new designs
Satish N Kota
satishkota at heurionconsulting.com
Thu Apr 5 00:11:17 PDT 2012
With many of comments in LRUG referring towards Redesign of our Testimonials
website www.testifor.com <http://www.testifor.com/> , we went back and
worked on our designs. We have now relaunched www.testifor.com
<http://www.testifor.com/> with new designs . Please let us know your
comments on the new designs..
We would be greatly happy if this website has helped someone in managing
their testimonials and increasing their client base some of the acitivities
you might to do are
1. Get Video Testimonials. They say Picture speaks a 1000 words, we say
a video speaks 1000 pictures.
2. Publish your testimonials in your own websites.
3. Get people to endorse your activities
4. Broad cast your activities..share it to Twitter and Facebook
5. Once you get testimonials, we will ask your clients to give your
references and remind them about it..
At the end of the day, if you have been satisfied by using www.testifor.com
<http://www.testifor.com/> , please give us a testimonial.
Thanks and Regards
Satish Kota
Director, Heurion Consulting
Mobile: +91 98862 03255
Email: satishkota at heurionconsulting.com
IM: kotasatish (Skype), heurionconsulting (GTalk / Yahoo)
Linked In: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/satishkota
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