[LRUG] [JOBS] Update on my CV review offer

Steve Buckley sbuckley at globalpersonals.co.uk
Mon Dec 10 03:30:17 PST 2012

Hey LRUG folk

A couple of weeks ago I extended a request to provide constructive feedback on your CV if you wanted it. I had a great response & I've replied to about 90% of you (I promise to get round to the rest of you today).

Aside from helping a few of you improve your CV, we have successfully hired one developer as a result and are interviewing two others which is fantastic news for us.

We're still looking for more though because we're kinda greedy like that. We have grown immensely over recent years and ideally we want to add a further 6-8 Ruby/RoR devs to our team in either Windsor or London over the next 6 months. We'll happily consider contractors too provided you are capable of making a big impact in a short time frame.

A more detailed job spec can be found here: http://hackerjobs.co.uk/jobs/2012/11/20/globaldev-ruby-engineer

If any of you are interested, or know someone who is, please drop me an email and for what it's worth, we're also looking for a Visual Designer: http://hackerjobs.co.uk/jobs/2012/12/4/globaldev-visual-designer


Steve Buckley
Technical Recruitment Manager
P: 	01753 271289
M:	07538 647117


Global Personals is a limited company registered in England and Wales.

Registered number: 04880697

Registered office: Minton Place, Victoria Street, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 
1EG, United Kingdom
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