[LRUG] The "crowd sourced subject" Lightening Talk: ideas?

Roland Swingler roland.swingler at gmail.com
Thu Jan 19 02:09:54 PST 2012

How about "Writing a space exploration game in ruby, and why I moved
to C++"...? :)

Hearing a bit about A) The various game libraries in ruby (it's been
years since I looked at Rubygame) B) where ruby really suffers in
performance terms and possibly C) any ideas you have about how to have
a game engine written in something fast but using ruby as layer on top
of that would all be interesting.


On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 9:53 AM, Chris Parsons <chris.p at rsons.org> wrote:
> As is traditional, one of the talk subjects is at the mercy of the group: we
> all vote on something we'd be interested in hearing about.
> I'm happy to take on giving the talk, if you guys would like to suggest a
> topic.
> Chris
> On 18 Jan 2012, at 13:02, Murray Steele wrote:
> As a break from all the recruitment offers I thought I'd make another plea
> for lightning talk speakers for the February meeting.  There are 5 folk
> already volunteering on a variety of subjects, but we need a few more to
> flesh out the evening though, wouldn't you like to join in?
> On 17 January 2012 09:42, Richard Livsey <richard at livsey.org> wrote:
>> An alternative lightning talk idea which is more Ruby-centric:
>> ## Should your User care about authentication?
>> How and why to extract code out of your models into your lib.
>> Buzzwords include: single responsibility principle, faster tests, london
>> school etc…
>> Cheers.
>> --
>> Richard Livsey
>> Co-Founder, MinuteBase
>> Meeting collaboration made easy
>> http://minutebase.com
>> +44 (0) 7841 260 797
>> On Thursday, 12 January 2012 at 14:58, Jakub Šťastný wrote:
>> Richard: That sounds interesting indeed!
>> ----
>> At VMware/RabbitMQ we work on a project called SockJS which is, to cut
>> long story short, a WebSocket emulation library. You're probably
>> familiar with socket.io which does just that. However SockJS is
>> language-agnostic, much simpler, without unnecessary dependencies,
>> using WS(-like) API ... The Ruby client is Rack compatible, although
>> it works only with Thin (as support for asynchronous response is
>> required). So if you guys are interested, I'd be happy to talk about
>> it. Here are few links:
>> - https://github.com/sockjs/sockjs-ruby (still in progress, but will
>> be finished till February)
>> - http://www.rabbitmq.com/blog/2011/08/22/sockjs-web-messaging-aint-easy
>> - http://www.rabbitmq.com/blog/2011/09/13/sockjs-websocket-emulation
>> J
>> http://twitter.com/botanicus
>> On 12 January 2012 11:33, Richard Livsey <richard at livsey.org> wrote:
>> Whilst not specifically Ruby, I'm doing a lightning talk at the MongoDB
>> user
>> group in March, so I could do it at LRUG in Feb too if anyone's
>> interested?
>> It's on the topic of schema design in Mongo, how it forces a different
>> mindset from relational databases and getting over the fear of duplicating
>> data from years of working with Codd's normal forms etc…
>> I'll come up with a snappier title in due course ;o)
>> Cheers.
>> --
>> Richard Livsey
>> Co-Founder, MinuteBase
>> Meeting collaboration made easy
>> http://minutebase.com
>> +44 (0) 7841 260 797
>> On Thursday, 12 January 2012 at 11:17, Murray Steele wrote:
>> I have 2 volunteers and I think I almost convinced someone else in the
>> pub,
>> but I've not heard back from them.  Who else wants the glory of doing a
>> lightning talk?
>> On 9 January 2012 12:31, Murray Steele <murray.steele at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> Our February meeting will be on Monday the 13th.  I'm taking the bold step
>> of talking to you about it before the January meeting because, as is now
>> traditional, we'll do lightning talks for the Feb meeting.  For these
>> meetings we usually have between 7 and 9 speakers, so I want to get a head
>> start on collecting "volunteers" to fill the slots.
>> If you haven't been to one of our February meetings before let me explain
>> the format we use.  We use the 20x20 format where each speaker is allowed
>> 20
>> slides that must auto-tranisition after 20 seconds giving them 6 minutes
>> and
>> 40 seconds in which to get their point across.  You can see some examples
>> by
>> looking at the videos from last year
>> (http://lanyrd.com/2011/lrug-feb-2011/video/).
>> I'll announce this at the start of tonight's meeting, but I wanted to give
>> everyone some warning (as if you didn't already expect it) so that in the
>> pub when my first words to you are "Hey you should do a lightning talk in
>> February." instead of "Hello! Why yes I would like a pint, how kind!",
>> you've had some time to think about what you'll talk about ;)
>> Cheers,
>> Muz
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> Chris Parsons
> chris.p at rsons.org
> http://twitter.com/chrismdp
> http://pa.rsons.org
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