[LRUG] User activity tracking

Riccardo Tacconi rtacconi at gmail.com
Wed Jan 25 04:59:29 PST 2012

Redis could be a good in storing data and real-time stats, in the end it
was built for that.

I remember I saw a start up providing a service of tracking the user mouse
via JavaScript, the result was impressive. You can track mouse movements
with jquery: http://api.jquery.com/mousemove/. I hope this helps.

On 25 January 2012 13:45, Rafael Rebolleda <hello at rafaelrebolleda.com>wrote:

> I read this article a while ago and found it inspiring:
> http://blog.getspool.com/2011/11/29/fast-easy-realtime-metrics-using-redis-bitmaps/
> On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 13:42, David Salgado <david at digitalronin.com>wrote:
>> You might find some of John Nunemaker's articles useful, starting with
>> this one;
>>    http://railstips.org/blog/archives/2011/06/28/counters-everywhere/
>> IMO, the most important thing to do, when you're designing a system
>> like this, is to make sure you have a simple receiver for the data you
>> are going to be logging, which is as fast as it can possibly be, and
>> does nothing except record the data you're going to be
>> storing/processing - no computation, no logic, no db lookups - just
>> store it, acknowledge it and wait for the next chunk.
>> Everything else happens out of band, so that you minimise the risk of
>> delaying user interactions by logging them.
>> Good luck
>> David
>> On 25 January 2012 12:34, Adam Carlile <adam at benchmedia.co.uk> wrote:
>> > Hola El Rug
>> >
>> > I've been tasked with creating a user activity tracking engine, in
>> order to
>> > build more complete profiles on our users, their preferences and common
>> > activities.
>> >
>> > But I'm not really sure in which direction to go, I'm pretty sure that
>> it's
>> > got to be a separate app, with a fast write database, something like
>> MongoDB
>> > perhaps. Along with an exposed REST API to post and retrieve data.
>> >
>> > I also want the tracking engine to send calls to various other external
>> > services, such as the Facebook Graph API.
>> >
>> > It's something I've never tackled before so any advice or articles you
>> would
>> > recommend would be great!
>> >
>> > Thanks
>> > Adam
>> >
>> > -
>> > Twitter @frozenproduce
>> >
>> >
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Riccardo Tacconi
Ruby on Rails and PHP development - System Administration

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