[LRUG] Londinium MMXII Hackathon [Announcement & Questions]

Makoto Inoue inouemak at googlemail.com
Fri Jun 15 05:56:01 PDT 2012


Just to follow up on this, the registration is now open at

Hope you can join us.


On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 10:27 PM, Makoto Inoue <inouemak at googlemail.com>wrote:

> Hi LRUG.
> I'd like to let you know that I am organising an Olympics themed Hackathon
> called "Londinium MMXII Hackathon", 28th~29th July in London (venue to be
> decided).
> http://mmxiihack.org
> I haven't opened up the registration, but please track us at
> http://lanyrd.com/2012/mmxiihack/ if you are interested.
> I know there are already olympic themed hackathon happened(
> http://lanyrd.com/2012/winterhackathon/), or scheduled to happen(
> http://lanyrd.com/guides/large-sports-event-in-capital-city-of-the-uk-in-the-year-mmxii/),
> but ours is unique because it will be held during Olympic game (I am
> assuming the most of us haven't/couldn't get tickets so there should be no
> conflicts of schedule...) so there should be a real time data you can play
> with during the Hackathon.
> Now it's time for questions/favours.
> I am currently trying to partner up with companies/organisations which
> provides relevant api/dataset for the Olympics (I think playing with
> interesting technologies/dataset is more rewarding than getting prizes).
> I am very keen to get tfl.gov.uk on board, but I don't know anyone from
> the organisation (especially the tech team behind their API). If any of
> LRUG members know, could you introduce me?  If you also know any other
> organisations that can provide interesting dataset, I'd love to hear,too.
> I will try to attend LRUG tomorrow, so happy to chat in the pub.
> Thanks.
> Makoto
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