[LRUG] Beginning Rails in 2012

Adam Carlile adam at benchmedia.co.uk
Thu Mar 15 11:22:35 PDT 2012

Ruby koans is a pretty good way to teach the BDD doctrine


Sent from my iPad

On 15 Mar 2012, at 18:17, "luke saunders" <luke.saunders at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 6:01 PM, Tom Armitage <tom at infovore.org> wrote:
>> Where, say, would you point as a starting point for testing/BDD in
>> Ruby, given "four years of the mailing list and user group" isn't
>> enough?
> I recently read the RSpec book (
> http://www.amazon.co.uk/RSpec-Book-Behaviour-Development-Cucumber/dp/1934356379
> ) as I was looking for some best practices around Cucumber and RSpec.
> It seemed like it would be a good intro to BDD/TDD. The only problem
> was that it's a year or two old and so doesn't talk about newer
> developments like Capybara, but useful all the same.
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