[LRUG] [JOB-ish] Contractors Wanted

Sidu Ponnappa ckponnappa at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 06:18:54 PDT 2012

> * You must be in the UK or;
Some of us don't live in the UK.

> * You must attend LRUG meetings to get the code (someone suggested this for a jobs board), or;
I can't afford this, which is why I stick to talking to fellow
Rubyists over email and IRC :D

> * It operates by invite-only.
This makes sense if the intent is to filter for quality. However: Quis
custodiet ipsos custodes?


On 20 March 2012 18:41, Murray Steele <murray.steele at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 20 March 2012 12:55, Andrew France <andrew at avito.co.uk> wrote:
>> On 20/03/2012 12:03, Tim Cowlishaw wrote:
>>> On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 11:47 AM, Sidu Ponnappa<ckponnappa at gmail.com>
>>>  wrote:
>>>> I'd be interested in this list of contractors once you've compiled it
>>>> for precisely the same reasons - we're often turning down a bunch of
>>>> work because we're sold out that we'd be happy to pass on to other
>>>> firms/individuals who take their engineering/design seriously.
>>> Likewise - I have a couple of clients who are often asking if I know
>>> anyone else who could take on work that I can't  - perhaps it might be
>>> worth building a little LRUG contractors database that people can add
>>> their details to for this purpose? I'd be happy to hack something
>>> together if there's enough interest (and Muz agrees).
> Y'all don't need my permission to do stuff!
>> As a contractor I would be really interested in this and could help out.
>> It shouldn't be complicated but to maintain value perhaps some
>> restrictions should be made on who can be listed?
>> Some ideas:
>> * You must be in the UK or;
>> * You must attend LRUG meetings to get the code (someone suggested this
>> for a jobs board), or;
>> * It operates by invite-only.
>> A tiny Rails app running on Heroku CNAME'd to freelance.lrug.org?
> Pretty sure all of that is do-able if someone steps up to build and admin
> it.
> Muz
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