[LRUG] Pat Maddox wants a gig in the UK

Matt Wynne matt at mattwynne.net
Fri May 4 15:27:06 PDT 2012

Pat is a member of the RSpec core team, a really experienced OO Ruby / Smalltalk / iOS programmer and a generally very enjoyable guy to spend time with.

He's based in the US, but wants to come the conference Steve Tooke and I are organising. (http://bootstrapd)

So he's looking for a UK-based TDD/BDD coaching gig in late June / early July to fund the trip 

Can anyone help?


Freelance programmer & coach
Author, http://pragprog.com/book/hwcuc/the-cucumber-book
Founder, http://www.relishapp.com/
Twitter, https://twitter.com/mattwynne

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