[LRUG] Resources for training up a total Ruby newbie?

Nick Tabernacle nick at epcess.co.uk
Mon May 14 04:56:39 PDT 2012

Does he already have a programming experience? If so http://tryruby.org/ is
a pretty good leveller 


-----Original Message-----
From: chat-bounces at lists.lrug.org [mailto:chat-bounces at lists.lrug.org] On
Behalf Of Christopher Patuzzo
Sent: 14 May 2012 12:19
To: London Ruby Users Group
Cc: London Ruby Users Group
Subject: Re: [LRUG] Resources for training up a total Ruby newbie?

We are running a Ruby/Rails five day training course at Unboxed Consulting
in the coming months. Please get in touch with my company if interested.


On 14 May 2012, at 11:09 AM, Asfand Yar Qazi <ayqazi at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> We have a person starting in our team who has never done any Ruby 
> before, and we would like to use external resources to give him the 
> initial training needed; does anyone know of any resources in or 
> around London or Cambridge that we could use?  We were thinking of a 
> training course or something of the ilk, would those be effective?
> Thanks
> Asfand Yar Qazi
> High Throughput Gene Targeting
> Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
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