[LRUG] BritRuby 2013

Garry Shutler garry at robustsoftware.co.uk
Thu Oct 4 14:10:59 PDT 2012

I don't think I've seen anything on here but tickets for
the inaugural BritRuby conference (Manchester, 15/16th March 2013) have
begun going on sale. The early bird tickets have been and gone but the
regular priced tickets will go on sale 12th October. Worth putting a date
in your diaries if the go anywhere near as fast as the early bird ones did
(I missed out).

There's are some great speakers already announced but they've also put out
a RFP http://2013.britruby.com/cfp so if you've got a talk you'd like to
give submit it.


Garry Shutler

@gshutler <http://twitter.com/gshutler>
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