[LRUG] November talk proposal

Paul Battley pbattley at gmail.com
Wed Oct 10 12:41:27 PDT 2012

On 10 October 2012 16:29, Gerhard Lazu <gerhard at lazu.co.uk> wrote:
> App deployment is far from being a solved problem, would love to share my
> experiences that led me to write a bash only deployment tool, and life after
> that. I will be focusing on the bash mindset, prove that bash scripting can
> be beautiful and will give examples of where bash is more appropriate than,
> let's say, rake.

This sounds really interesting. I'm less and less fond of the complex
and over-engineered Ruby development and infrastructure tools that
seem to have proliferated lately, and more keen on mature software
that works just as well.

On the topic of Rake, I've been using Make a lot recently - even for
Ruby projects. Tab indentation requirements aside, I think it's a
better tool for the job (not to mention that you don't have to type
"bundle exec" all the time*).


* If your "solution" to this involves some 2000-line shell function
that "automagically" detects when to prefix "bundle exec" on a
command, we probably shouldn't ever work together.

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